Pie Face – My Face.. Well, YOUR face.

Posted by in Humourous, Photoshopped

So, I’ve noticed multiple pie face stores in Brisbane so many so, that their constant presence convinced me to go in for coffee yesterday morning. When I saw the name pie face along all of the shop fronts, I thought what a wonderful idea… imagine the creativity and detail that it would take to put a face on a pie, I even started dreaming about birthday party pies and what cute little faces you could have looking up at you as you bit into their forehead or jawline, (depending how you eat your pie.) Emo Pie, oh how I’d love to sink my teeth into one of those little ungrateful bastards.

Side Note: I’m a Pie Excavator, I lift the roof off my pie, dip it in sauce and then continue to eat the rest of the pie as an open cavity like most aussies, in between two hands with meat and gravy falling all over the place. AND LOTS OF SAUCE!

You could imagine my disappointment when I entered the store and saw this.

Pie Face Pie


In fairness to their teenage employees… I shouldn’t be cruel, you guys rock – bringing happy pies to peoples mouths. Oh and Kudos for not making a racist Thai Pie with squinty eyes. It just looks like a really tired Pie. Must have been up early baking.

Pie Face Thai Pie

After stewing on the lack of creativity for 8 hours I decided I would take the Gandhi Approach. Be the change you want to see in the world. Or in my case, Create the Pies you want to see in the world. So click on the link below to see the range of pies, designed by yours truly. Note: These pies are not for human consumption, only for human enjoyment. (You might need to zoom in to read the text on the picture)

*Click Me*  Pieface – The way they should be!  *Click Me*

Once you’ve had a look at the pies, perhaps your saliva and creative juices are flowing. Comment and tell me, who’s face would YOU like to see on a pie and what would it taste like?

Edit: Chuck Norris Pie, as requested by Kieron.

Chuck Norris Pie - Thanks Kieron