The road to Insanity!

Posted by in Such is Life

Today heralds the first day in my endeavour to learn what insanity really means.

To those who are unfamiliar, Insanity is labelled by some as the most brutal and unforgiving 60 days of fitness you will ever experience.  A workout program designed to kick your ass and push your limits beyond what you thought possible…. no worries mate, yea sure sounds like fun, sign me up!  Donna has managed to encourage me to accompany her in this joint adventure to discover more about ourselves and what we are capable of.

Well, last night was the ‘fitness test’ before the program actually starts.  Designed to track your progress and so forth.  My results were rather interesting… my body decided to purge all the negativity of 33 years of treating it like shit, and afterwards I  found myself cramped up over a toilet bowl spewing my guts up and ready to pass out from exhaustion.

Tonight is the start of our insanity, and I know it’s not going to be easy, but for once in my life I have someone beside me who I know will be there to support and encourage me and together we can work together to be successful.  If we can pull this off, it will just be the start.  Obstacles put in our path will no longer be viewed with doubt and disbelief, and we will smash down those barriers with ease.

Sure, we might come out of this a little bit insane, but I’ll love her even more for what the other benefits this program will bring, and that’s all that matters to me.

But… before we begin our journey we had to prepare one very important thing for each of us.  Behold the ultimate products in matching athletic foot ware for him & her: